Genesys Works

Genesys Works’ mission is to provide pathways to career success for high school students in underserved communities through skills training, meaningful work experiences, and impactful relationships. They achieve this by empowering underserved high school students to see themselves as professionals and by providing the tools to make this a reality – workplace training, a year-long internship, and guidance from high school, through college, and into the workforce.

Genesys Works is unique for its focus on workforce development as a driver of educational success. They believe that earning a college degree is as important as developing workforce-ready skills, and that underserved students are more likely to succeed in college if they’ve experienced the type of job that a degree can lead to.


  • $22,000 cost/intern
  • Guaranteed placement
  • Regular check-ins with Genesys Works
  • Supportive culture for Genesys Works client


  • Pre-screening of candidates, including drug testing, background checks and confidentiality agreements, if needed
  • Retention support
  • Assistance with interview scheduling and coordination


Please contact Liz Rafferty ( if you would like to speak with or learn more about Genesyworks’ employer partners.

Rush University Medical Center
